Fen has the ability to create a space that is full of warmth, compassion and healing. Her knowledge and way of meeting me relationally meant that I instantly felt I can trust her and feel incredibly blessed to of found such a wonderful teacher, practitioner and support system in Fen. Wisdom beyond her years.
Fen is a multidisciplinary practitioner, for over 10 years she has been weaving together traditional and natural health modalities including bodywork, Aromatherapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Yoga to support people to connect deeply with their body, benefitting their overall health and wellbeing.
Before setting up inHara and during years of training as a complementary therapist, Fen worked in environmental conservation for 15 years. Fen’s deep lifelong connection with the natural world guides her lifestyle as well as her approach as a therapist; her intention to support people in their efforts to restore and achieve health, wellbeing and balance is always in harmony with nature and rooted in sustainability.
A treatment with Fen is tailored to the individual; the first session will include a 30min consultation which will help to build a unique treatment plan that addresses the needs of the client, honouring not only the physical but their emotional, psychological and spiritual wellbeing.
At the end of each session, Fen will make specific recommendations using TCM, Aromatherapy and Yoga to promote and prolong the therapeutic benefits of the treatment, where appropriate she provides individually created take-home blends.
Fen’s care for her clients does not stop at the clinic, she creates handmade therapeutic aromatherapy blends from home that intend to further support the healing journey; such products could include a balm for eczema or persistent headaches, a chest rub for a respiratory condition and a range to support the whole pregnancy journey.
Fen specialises in supporting women’s health and wellbeing, she offers individually tailored treatments, blends and exercises for fertility, prenatal, birthing, postnatal and menopause. Fen continues to develop and harness her knowledge and experience through further professional development training.
Why inHara?
Hara simply means ‘belly’ in Japanese, or lower abdomen. However, in Oriental traditions, hara refers to the lower abdomen and the deep inner space of this is the Tanden (In Japanese) or Dantian (in Chinese and Traditional Chinese Medicine).
Although on a deeper, more spiritual level, the hara is the spiritual and physical ‘centre of gravity’, the place from which our vitality originates, lying deep inside our body. The Japanese consider that the hara is of greater importance than even the heart or mind.
When we move and feel from ‘hara’, we are present, grounded, focused and using our body and mind in synchrony without judgment or preconceptions, we have incredible capacity for love, intuitive touch and healing.
When truly in Hara, we have the capacity not only to centre our Ki or Qi (Energy), we can extend and share this peaceful and harmonious state with others.
Fen’s professional qualifications & training
- Clinical Aromatherapy: Institute for Herbal Medicine & Aromatherapy, London (ITHMA)
- Therapeutic Massage: Institute for Herbal Medicine & Aromatherapy, London (ITHMA)
- Shiatsu Practitioner training (MRSS): Devon School of Shiatsu
- Doula: Red Tent Doulas
- Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training: Womb Yoga
- Total Yoga Nidra Immersion: Womb Yoga
- Diploma in Pregnancy Massage: Wellmother, Administered by APNT
- Yoga Therapist Foundation: Yoga United
- Maternity Shiatsu Foundation: Extraordinary Vessels, the menstrual cycle and pregnancy: Wellmother
- Breastfeeding & Lactation, Katie James
Fen’s professional membership
- SrSS member of the Shiatsu Society
- MIFPA: International Federation of Aromatherapists
- Member of: British Wheel of Yoga
- Discipline Liability Insurance: Balens
- Rachel Reed “Reclaiming Childbirth Collective”
So far I’ve had two sessions with Fen and I am seeing such speedy results. Fen’s treatments are helping on both a physical and mental level, supporting me to feel clearer and more confident within myself.
My body is feeling freer and more fluid, my heart more centred and my feet more firmly on the ground. Her sessions are gentle yet powerful, and I love that Fen gives space and time to listen carefully both before and after the treatment, as well as giving aftercare advice and stretches to do at home if appropriate.
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